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Thursday, March 27, 2014

CBSE Exam Economics 2014

Model Question Paper Provided on 20 Nov 2013

Model Question papers (Set X, Set Y and set Z) were provided on 20 Nov. Questions for 76 marks were directly from these sets. Around 14 questions were from set Y.

Friday, March 14, 2014


                                                                         (Section A)
Q1. What happens to marginal utility when total utility is maximum? 1
जब कुल उपयोगिता अधिकतम होती है तो सीमांत उपयोगिता क्या होती है ?
Q2. How in any one way can an economy increase its production capacity? 1
एक अर्थव्यवस्था किसी एक प्रकार से कैसे अपनी उत्पादन क्षमता में वृद्धि ला सकती है ?
Q3. Define marginal revenue? 1
सीमाँत आय से क्या अभिप्राय  है ?

Q4. If the demand for good ‘Y’ increases as the price of good ‘X’ increases. How are these two goods interrelated? 1 अगर वस्तु  x की कीमत बढ़ने से वस्तु  y की मांग बढ़ जाती है तो वस्तु x तथा वस्तु  y आपस में किस प्रकार संबन्धित है ?

Q5. Define Non-Collusive Oligopoly? 1
गैर – सहयोगी अल्पाधिकारी को परिभाषित कीजिए ।

Q6. Explain ‘what to Produce’ with the help of an example? 3
‘क्या उत्पादन करें ‘ की समस्या को उदाहरण की सहायता से समझाइए ।
Q7. Given the price of a good, how does a consumer decide how many unit of that good to buy?  3
एक वस्तु की कीमत दी हुई है । उपभोगता यह कैसे निर्णय लेगा कि उस वस्तु कि कितनी इकाइये ख़रीदेगा ?
Utility per Rupee of Good ‘X’ is less than utility per Rupee of Good ‘Y’. Explain the reaction of consumerthrough utility analysis?
Good x की उपयोगिता प्रति रुपया,good y की उपयोगिता प्रति रुपया से कम है । उपभोगता का व्यवहार उपयोगिता विशेषता से समझाइए ।
Q8. A consumer is buying 100 units of a good at a price Rs 4 per unit. Due to increase in price the quantity demanded falls to 75
units. Determine new price if the price elasticity of demand is (-1). 3
एक उपभोगता 4 रुपये प्रति पर किसी वस्तु कि 100 इकाइयां खरीदता है । वस्तु कि कीमत बढ़ जाने पर उसकी मांगी हुई मात्र 75 इकाइयां हो जाती है । वस्तु कि नई कीमत का निर्धारण करें अगर मांग कि कीमत लोच (-1) है ।
Q9. State the relation between marginal cost and average variable cost. Use diagram?  3
सीमांत लागत और औसत परिवर्तनशील लागत के बीच संबंध बताइये । रेखाचित्र का प्रयोग कीजिए ।
Q10. Differentiate between Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition on the basis of any three features? 3
एकाधिकार एवं एकाधिकारात्मक प्रतियोगिता के बीच किन्ही तीन विशेषताओं के आधार पर अंतर कीजिए ।
Q11. Explain with the help of a diagram how does increase in income of buyer affect the demand for a good? 4
उपभोक्ता कि आय में वृद्धि होने के परिणामस्वरूप किसी वस्तु कि मांग पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ेगा ।  रेखाचित्र की सहायता से समझाइये ।
Q12. Explain the effect of rise in price of inputs on the supply of a good? 4
समझाइये कि आगतों के मूल्य में वृद्धि होने से किसी वस्तु कि पूर्ति केसे प्रभावित होती है ।

    Explain the effect of fall in price of other good on the supply of given good?
किसी वस्तु की कीमत कम होने से दी गयी वस्तु की पूर्ति पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ेगा ।  समझाइये ।
Q13. Explain the conditions of Producers equilibrium with the help of MC and MR approach? 4
उत्पादक संतुलन की शर्तों को सीमांत लागत तथा सीमान्त आगम की सहायता से समझाइये ।
Q14. If there is excess supply of good at a given price, then how will the Equilibrium be reached? Explain by using diagram. 6 अगर किसी कीमत पर बाज़ार में पूर्ति आधिक्य है तो संतुलन किस प्रकार स्थापित होगा ।रेखा चित्र की सहायता से
समझाइये ।

Q15. A consumer consumes two goods. For the consumer to be in equilibrium why must marginal rate of substitution between
two goods be equal to ratio of prices of those two goods? 6
एक उपभोगता दो वस्तुओं का प्रयोग करता है । उपभोगता संतुलन के लिए प्रतिस्थापन की सीमांत दर का दोनों वस्तुओं की कीमतों के अनुपात के बराबर होना क्यों आवश्यक है ।
Explain the meaning of ‘Monotonic preferences’. Also explain why an indifference curve is-
(i)Down ward slopping
(ii)Convex to the origin
एकदिस्त अधिमानों का अर्थ समझाइये । यह भी समझाइए कि एक अवधिमान वक्र
अ) नीचे की ओर ढालु
ब) मूल बिन्दु की ओर उत्तल क्यों होता है ।
Q16. Explain the law of variable proportion with the help of TP and MP schedule. Also explain its stages? 6
कुल उत्पाद तथा सीमांत उत्पाद तालिका की सहायता से परिवर्ती अनुपातों के नियम कि व्याख्या कीजिए । इसके 3 चरणों को भी बताइये ।

                                                                  (Section B)

Q17. Define money? 1
मुद्रा की परिभाषा दीजिए ।
Q18. If the value of MPS is 0.4 what will be the value of Investment multiplier? 1
यदि सीमांत बचत प्रवृति का मूल्य 0.4 है तो निवेश गुणक का मूल्य क्या होगा ?
Q19. Give the meaning of Inflationary gap? 1
स्फीतिक अंतराल का अर्थ बताइए ।

Q20. What is a government budget? 1
सरकारी बजट क्या होता है ।
Q21. What are time deposits in bank? 1
बेंकों में सावाधिक जमाओ का क्या अभिप्राय है ?
Q22. Distinguish between Intermediate goods and Final goods. Also give examples. 3
मध्यवर्ती वस्तुओं और अंतिम वस्तुओ में भेद कीजिए । उदाहरण भी दीजिए ।
Q23. Distinguish between Revenue deficit and Fiscal deficit? 3 राजस्व घाटे व राजकोषीय घाटे में भेद कीजिए ।

Distinguish between Direct tax and indirect tax. Give one example of each.
प्रत्यक्ष कर और अप्रत्यक्ष कर में भेद कीजिए । प्रत्येक का एक – एक उदाहरण दीजिए ।
Q24. What changes will take in the economy when Aggregate demand is more than Aggregate supply? Explain. 3
समग्र मांग के समग्र पूर्ति से अधिक होने पर अर्थव्यवस्था में क्या परिवर्तन होगें । समझाइए ।
Q25. Calculate equilibrium National Income from the following. 3
(i). Autonomous Consumption Rs 60
(ii). MPC 0.8
(iii). Investment Rs 1000
निम्नलिखित के आधार पर संतुलन राष्ट्रीय आय ज्ञात कीजिए ।
स्वायत उपभोग रु 60
उपभोग की सीमांत दर 0.8
निवेश रु 1000

Q26. Foreign exchange rate have risen in a country. What is its likely impact on imports of that country andwhy? 3 एक देश में विदेशी विनियम दर बढ़ गई है । इसका उस देश के आयातों पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ने की संभावना है और क्यों ?

Q27. How can government help in reduction in income inequalities through government budget? Explain. 4
आय असमानता घटाने के लिए सरकार सरकारी बजट के माध्यम से क्या सहायता कर सकती है । समझाइए ।
Q28. What do you mean by Deficient Demand? Explain by using diagram? 4
अभावी  मांग से आप क्या समझते है । एक रेखा चित्र का प्रयोग करते हुए समझाइए ।
Q29. Are the following entered 4
On the credit side or debit side
In the current account or capital account of Balance of payment account?

Investment from abroad
Transfer of funds to relative abroad

निम्नलिखित को भुगतान संतुलन घाटे में
क्रेडिट में दर्ज करते है या डेबिट में और
चालू खाते में या पूंजी खाते में
विदेशो से निवेश
विदेशो में रिश्तेदारों को मुद्रा का हस्तांतरण
Explain the concept of ‘deficit’ in the Balance of Payment?
भुगतान संतुलन में घाटे की अवधारणा को समझाइए ।
Q30. Distinguish between ‘Nominal National Income’ and ‘Real national Income’? Real National Income cannot be treated as
true index of welfare on its own. Give any two limitations. 6
मोद्रिक राष्ट्रीए आय तथा वास्तविक राष्ट्रीए आय के बीच अंतर बताइये? वास्तविक आय को अपने आप मे कल्याण का सही सूचक नहीं माना जा सकता है कोई दो कमिया बताइये?
Q31. Explain any two functions of Central Bank? 6
केंद्रीय बैंक के कोई दो कार्यो की व्याख्या कीजिये?

 Explain any two functions of money?
मुद्रा के किन्ही दो कार्यो की व्याख्या कीजिये?

Q32. From the following data calculate Gross National Product at factor Cost by (i) Income method and (ii) Expenditure method. 6
Government final consumption expenditure 400
Private final consumption expenditure 800
Profits 320
Net indirect taxes 120
Rent 140
Interest 110
Compensation of employees 600
Exports 130
Imports 180
Gross domestic capital formation 160
Consumption of fixed capital 20
Net factor income to abroad 100

निम्नलिखित आंकड़ो से कारक लागत पर सकल राष्ट्रिय उत्पाद का परिकलन
आय विधि
व्यय विधि द्वारा कीजिए
सरकारी अंतिम उपभोग व्यय 400 (करोड़)
निजी अंतिम उपभोग व्यय 800
लाभ 320
निवल अप्रत्यक्ष कर 120
किराया 140
ब्याज 110
कर्मचारियों का पारिश्रमिक 600
निर्यात 130
आयात 180
सकल देशीए पूंजी निर्माण 160
स्थिर पूंजी का उपभोग 20
विदेशो को निवल कारक आय 100

Marking scheme pre board KVS

Time 3hrs M.M. 100
Marking scheme

S.No Answers/value points Break up Marks
Section A
1. Marginal utility is zero. 1
2. By exploring new resources or by advancement in technology. 1
3. It is the net addition to total revenue by selling one more unit of a good. 1
4. These two goods are substitutes. 1
5. When oligopolistic firms compete with each other while fixing price or output. 1
6. What to produce is one of the central problem of an economy related with what types of goods are to be produced and in what quantities. the economy has to choose since the resources are scarce. The choice can be made between consumer goods or capital goods, between necessities or luxuries. 3
7. The consumer attains equilibrium when marginal utility in terms of money of a good becomes equal to the price of that good. The consumer will buy that level of output where Mux in terms of money = price of that good.
Q    Mux          Px
1      4              3
2      3              3
3      2              3
The consumer will buy 2 units as at second unit Mux =Px
or The consumer is in equilibrium in case of two commodities when utility derived from last rupee spent on both the goods become equal.
Mux/ Px =Muy/Py
If utility per rupee of good x is less than utility per rupee of good y it mean consumption of good x is giving less satisfaction while consumption of good y is giving more satisfaction. So the consumer will increase the consumption of good y and decrease the consumption of good x till utility per rupee of good x becomes equal to utility per rupee of good y.
Mux/ Px =Muy/Py.

8. P=4           P1=?         dP=?
Q=100      Q1= 75     dQ= 25

Ed= -dQ/dP *P/Q
-1= -25/dP*4/100
new price will be Rs 5. As price rises quantity demanded falls.

9. When AVC falls MC will lie below to it or MCWhen AVC rises MC will lie above it or MC>AVC.
MC intersect AVC at its minimum point. (use diagram)

10. Basis                                       Monopoly                               Monopolistic competition                          
No of sellers                          single                                       many
Nature of substitute            no close substitute               close substitute
Entry and exit                       Restriction                              Free entry and exit
 Or any three

11. There are two types of goods.
Normal and inferior goods.
In case of normal goods the demand will increase with increase in income of buyer. There is direct relationship between Income and demand for the good in case of normal good..
In case of inferior goods the demand will decrease with increase in income. There is inverse relationship between Income and demand for the good in case of inferior good.

12. When the price of inputs such as cost of raw material, wages of labour etc increases the cost of production also increase. As the cost of production increases supply falls. The production becomes less profitable so producer decreases the supply.
or When the price of other good falls its supply will also falls and the supply of given good will rise. The resources from the production of other good will be shifted towards production of given good. Now to produce more of given good is profitable in comparison to other good.
13. A producer is said to be in equilibrium when he is maximizing his profit. The level of output where he maximizes his profits is determine where -:
And MC must rise after intersecting MR.
If MC < MR  it means producer can increase his profits by producing more. As long as MC is less than price producer is having incentive to produce more as he can increase his profits.
If MC> MR it mean production of addition unit will cost him more and he will add less to revenue. So he will not be maximizing his profits.

14. At a given price there is excess supply. At this price quantity supplied is more than quantity demanded. This will lead to competition among sellers. As a result price will fall. When price falls quantity supplied will fall and quantity demanded will rise leading to equilibrium. The price will stop falling when the situation of Zero Excess supply sets in.

15. The consumer is in equilibrium when he is maximizing his maximizing his satisfaction.
According to indifference curve approach the consumer is in equilibrium when marginal rate of substitution between two goods becomes equal to ratio of prices of two goods or market rate of exchange.
It means the amount of one good the consumer is willing to give up for additional unit of other good is equal to the amount of one good the consumer has to give up for additional unit of other good.
If MRSxy > Px/Py means the consumer is willing to give up more but he has to give up less. He is in gains so he will increase his consumption.
If MRSxy < Px/Py means the consumer is willing to give up less but he has to give up more. He is in loss so he will decrease his consumption.
or The consumers choices are said to be monotonic when out of given two bundles he prefer the bundle in which more of one good and no less of other good is given.
Indifference curve is downward slopping it means in order to increase the consumption of one good he has to reduce the consumption of other good.
Indifference curve is convex to the origin because the marginal rate of substitution is diminishing along the Indifference curve. Marginal rate of substitution is amount of one good the consumer is willing to give up for one more unit of other good.

16. Law of variable proportion is short run phenomenon in which all the factor are fixed only one factor is variable. Output increases due to increase in only variable factor.
 This law states when the ratio between fixed factor and variable factor is altered total product first increases at increasing rate then it increases at diminishing rate and finally it Starts falling down.
There are three stages of law of variable proportion.
Increasing returns to a factor-: during this stage MP increase and TP increases at increasing rate. This stage ends when MP is maximum.
Diminishing returns to a factor-: During this stage MP falls but remains positive and TP increases at diminishing rate. This stage ends when MP is zero and TP is maximum.
Negative returns to a factor-: During this stage MP becomes negative and TP starts falling down.

Section B
17. Money is something which facilitate the transaction of goods and services in the economy.
Or  which is universally accepted as medium of exchange.
18. The value of K will be 2.5.
19. Inflationary gap is the difference between Actual aggregate demand and effective demand required to maintain full employment level of output.
20. It is an annual statement regarding estimated expenditure and estimated receipts of government over a fiscal year.
21. Time deposits are those deposits held by commercial banks which are repayable to depositor after maturity is over.
22. Final Goods                                                      Intermediate Goods
Final goods are available                                These are not available for direct  
For direct consumption                                  consumption. These are for resale.            
These goods are not for
The value of final goods are                          The value of intermediate goods are
Included in national income.                         Not included in national income.
These goods have crossed                            These goods are still inside production
 production boundary.                                    Boundary.
23. Revenue deficit is the difference between revenue expenditure and revenue receipts. It indicates that the expenditure of government towards unproductive activities is more.
Fiscal deficit-: It is the difference between total expenditure of government on one hand and total expenditure excluding borrowings on other hand.
It determine the actual level of borrowings in the economy.
or Direct tax -: The incidence and imposition lie on same person. This type of tax cannot be shifted. Direct taxes are generally levied upon income.  For example Income tax.
indirect tax -: The incidence and imposition lie on different  persons. This type of tax can be shifted. indirect taxes are generally levied upon goods and services.  For example excise duty. 1.5
24. Equilibrium level of income, output and employment is determined where aggregate supply in the economy is equal to aggregate demand in the economy.
If Aggregate demand is more than Aggregate supply  it means households and firms are consuming more than what economy is producing.
As a result there will be reduction in stocks with firms. The firms will respond to this situation by increasing output by increasing employment till aggregate supply becomes equal to aggregate demand. 1
25. At equilibrium S=I  so
Y= c+bY+I
26. When foreign exchange rate in a country has risen it means foreign goods will become costlier for that country. The demand for costlier goods will fall. So the imports of that country will fall and the demand for foreign exchange will also fall. 3
27. Through budget government tries to reduce inequalities in income distribution. This is done through taxation and provision of subsidies. Taxes are imposed on the income of rich people as a result there purchasing power will reduce. Poor people are provided with subsidies as a result there purchasing power will increase. The gap between rich and poor is reduced through government budget. 4
28. Deficient demand is that level of aggregate demand which fall short of effective demand required to maintain full employment level of output. It means the aggregate demand is less than full employment level of output.
It will lead to deflationary gap.
Explanation with diagram
29. Investment from abroad-
credit side
capital account

Transfer of fund to a relative abroad
Debit side
Current account
or Deficit in balance of payment means payment in debit site is more that payment in credit side. The outflow of foreign exchange is more than inflow of foreign exchange. The country has to pay more foreign exchange to rest of the world and the country has to receive less foreign exchange from rest of the world. This may be due to excess of imports over exports , excess of unilateral transfer paid over unilateral transfer received. 4
30. Nominal national income -: when the value of all the final goods and services produced in the economy plus net factor income received from abroad is measured at current price.
Real national income-: when the value of all the final goods and services produced in the economy plus net factor income from abroad is measured at base period price.
Real national income cannot be treated as true index of welfare on its own due to some of limitations.
It does not take in to account non monetary transactions in the economy.
It does not consider inflation, level of unemployment, income distribution etc.
31. Functions of central bank-:
Sole authority to issue currency notes-:
Banker to the government-:  Government keeps its funds with central bank. Government can legally borrow from central bank against treasury bills. Central bank also advice government on various policy measure. It also monetize public debt.
Bankers bank-: Commercial bank keeps a fixed proportion of their deposits in central bank in the form of cash reserve. If commercial banks require fund they can borrow from central bank. Central bank comes forward to help commercial bank if there is any emergency. Central bank is also known as lender to last resort.
Controller of money supply
Explanations of any two
or Functions of money
Measure of value-: the value of all the goods and services can be expressed in terms of money. Each good is having only one price. It has removed the drawback of barter system.
Medium of exchange-: if we can express the value of all the goods and services in terms of money then money can also buy those goods and services. Money is universally accepted as medium of exchange. It has removed the drawback of barter system ‘Lack of double coincidence of wants’. It has also removed search cost associated with barter system.
Standard of deferred payments
Store of value
Explanation of any two
32. Income method-:
NDPfc = compensation of employees + operating surplus + mixed income of self employed
NDPfc= 600+(140+110+320)
NDPfc=Rs 1170
GNPfc= NDPfc+depriciation-NFITA
GNPfc= 1170+20-100
GNPfc= Rs 1090 cr

Expenditure method
GDPmp= private final consumption expenditure+government final consumption expenditure+gross domestic capital formation+net exports
= 800+400+160+(130-180)
=1310 cr
GNPmp= Rs 1090 cr